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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Report on the Home Owners' Association Board Meeting: July 30

The photos above are of items mentioned below in this Report:

--Overgrowth & Algae in wetlands creek
--New signs in our common area by the lake
--Signs placed at alley entrances
--Algae, etc. needing clean up in lake

In photo are Howard Corey, Pres., Jack Mayer, Sec.-Tres., & Florence Harrison, Manager, at Board meeting.
The Home Owners Asso. Board
Met Wed., July 30, at 5:00 PM at the Arts Center and acted as Follows:

1) Howard Corey introduced Florence Harrison, new manager for our HOA.

2) A Financial Review and Proposed 2008 budget were presented by Jack Mayer. Home owners can obtain copies from Florence Harrison (see left side bar).

3) Committee Reports

Neighborhood Watch: Carol Ray --No report, but home owners were asked to be vigilant and not hesitate to call police if they fear vandalism.

Design for the New roadway: Mike Sawyer asks all residents to watch here and/or The Village News for notice of the Board of Supervisor's hearing which could come at any time. We will need a strong turnout for that meeting to ensure a design which will have a modest impact on us.

New Directory: All residents have received a brief form which must be filled out and returned by July 31. (Scroll down to July 27 Post to see & print form.)

Landscaping: Howard Corey is working with Unlimited Landscaping to break down current contract costs with a view to cutting costs in the next contract. Chuck is Unlimited's new liaison.

4) Actions being considered by the Board: Howard Corey

-Dog Signs: Complaints continue about residents and visitors who do not clean aup after their dogs, even though that is required by both CVG covenants and by County ordinance. Howard is looking into the costs of installing a few signposts that would include baggies for dog owners to use.

-Pond clean up: The Board is looking into the possibility of stocking the pond with Carp which will eat the algae. It is also checking out the possibility of setting up screens near the pond's water sources to make clean out easier.

-Clean up of the wetlands: Howard is working with the Army Corps of Engineers (who has legal charge of wetlands) to see what they will do and what we will be allowed to do.
-Contract for Secondary water meters and rain gauges: Howard is checking contractors and prices.

5) Suggestions and comments from the floor: Those present applauded the excellent leadership and work of the Board.

Future meetings: Every 1st Wednesday, 7:00 pm, at the Arts Center office on the Green.

These meetings are open to all home owners. Nineteen attended today.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Our Association President has sent us the following notice:

"Since expenditures to Unlimited Landscaping is an estimated 64% of our total expenses, I would like to form a committee to review the services they are providing and their cost.

While I have some concerns about Unlimited's management controls system and the cost of some services, the forming of this committee is not an indication of the Board's dissatisfaction with services being provided by Unlimited or the desire to eliminate Unlimited as a contractor. However, the board does feel it has an obligation to review all contracts to ensure that our monies are being spent wisely.

Contact me at if you would like to be a part of this committee."

. . . . (Signed) --Howard

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


For management control purposes Chester Village Green's landscaping company, Unlimited Landscaping, has requested that all requests for service be routed thru Florence Harrison (Association manager, 356-7999), our Association President (Howard Corey, 454-0602) or to them directly by email with a copy to Florence or Howard.

This system will allow Unlimited Landscaping and the Board to ensure that all request are met in a timely manner. Unlimited's email address is

Unlimited has also asked that Howard send them a list of any outstanding requests for services. Therefore, if you have a request that has not been completed, please notify Howard by email,

Saturday, July 12, 2008


We had not had our fountain working again very long after repairs when lighning struck and took it out!

As of 7-11-08, The fountain is running again. To try and save on motor wear, the fountain will run from 6 AM to midnight every day.

As of 7-13-08, it seems that the fountain is not running, again!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


(Click on map photo to enlarge it.)

Many Chester area residents are concerned about plans for the North-South Parkway which will run right through the heart of Chester village. The plans are being drawn up now and will be finalized by the end of August.

A petition has been prepared which will be presented to the authorities. You can see the petition by clicking on the following link:

From there you can print a copy. You and others may sign it, then place it in Betty Sawyer's newpaper box at 4412 Village Garden Circle. OR call her and she will pick it up from you, 748-7570.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


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