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Saturday, August 30, 2008


Due to severe drought conditions, the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors approved the declaration of mandatory water-use restrictions at their Aug. 27 meeting. These restrictions will take effect on Tuesday, Sept. 2. The biggest water use in the county is attributable to lawn-irrigation systems. The ordinance for mandatory restrictions on use of public water requires that lawn watering be done only three times per week. This is sufficient to maintain healthy lawns and gardens, according to Chesterfield County Cooperative Extension.

In accordance with the Code of Chesterfield County, for Voluntary, Mandatory and Emergency Restrictions on Use of Public Water, users of the public water system shall limit their use of public water as follows: Chesterfield County’s Mandatory Public Water-Use Restrictions:Upon the declaration of mandatory public water use restrictions, users of the public water system shall limit their use of public water as follows:

(a) Decorative or landscape fountains. Water use is prohibited.

(b) Paved areas. Washing is prohibited except for immediate health and safety requirements.

(c) Swimming pools. Limit to filling and replenishing to maintain health and safety. All other uses are prohibited.

(d) Vehicle washing. Non-commercial washing is limited to one day per week using only hoses with an automatic shut-off nozzle. Commercial vehicle washing businesses are permitted to operate under normal conditions.

(e) Established landscaping and gardens. Watering is limited to three days per week by address. Addresses ending with an odd number may water only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Addresses ending with an even number and locations with no street number may water only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Watering is prohibited on Mondays. Watering with buckets of up to five gallons per day is permitted any time.

(f) Vegetable gardens. Limit watering to any two days per week from 8 p.m. – 10 a.m. Watering by bucket is unlimited.

(g) New landscaping. All watering is permitted for the first 10 days after planting. Thereafter, the restriction for established landscaping and gardens shall apply.

(h) Golf courses. Watering restricted to Tuesday through Sunday between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. Greens are exempted from this restriction.

(i) Businesses. Limit to essential use only.

(j) Restaurants. No restrictions.

(k) All other consumption. Conservation by any means encouraged.

Any person who violates any provisions of this ordinance related to mandatory water use restrictions shall be subject to the following penalties:• For the first offense, violators shall be fined $100. • For the second offense, violators shall be fined $200. • For the third offense, violators shall be fined $400. • For the fourth offense, violators shall be fined $800. • For the fifth and each subsequent offense, violators shall be fined $1,600. • All fines shall be imposed on the violator’s next water bill.

To view the ordinance in its entirety, visit the Utilities Department’s Web site at or call the Chesterfield County Utilities Department at (804) 748-1291.