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Thursday, May 29, 2008


We have added three new features located in the left hand side column:

1) The Homeowners Association Corner --a regularly updated listing of concerns identified by our Board of Directors and/or by residents, and the follow-up responses. Check this often to keep up with what's happening in Chester Village Green!

2) An easy way to sign up to receive a free email notice each time a new item is posted here at The Chester Village Green News.

3) A button that allows you to chat about Chester Village Green matters with others who may be visiting the site at the same time. No limit to the number of "chatters" at the same time. Just click on the green arrow in the black box labeled, "cvgnews". You will then hear a short ad followed by word that others are/are not in the cvgnews chat room at the moment. Clicking the red square button (that replaced the green arrow after you clicked on it) will terminate your participation in the chat. Your computor must have a microphone (either built-in or external) and ear phones or built-in speakers, to use this feature.