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Friday, October 3, 2008


Our HOA Board met on October 1. All three Board members and the Association manager were present, plus approximately 15 home owners. The following items were reported:

1) Home owner Betty Matthews, Chair of the Chesterfield Arts Center to be built on our Green,is seeking fundraising ideas for the Arts Center. Contact her at: or at: 748-5555.

2) Treasurer's Report: Current fund balance: $8,000.

3) Four new "No Trespassing" signs, for trouble areas, have been paid for.

4) A Wooten (sp?) Co. bid of $3,125 to patch alleyways was approved.

5) It has been recommended that all the alleyways be surfaced-sealed to extend their lives (in view of the high amount of water drainage that flows over them). Two bids have been sought.

6) Home Depot and Lowes will come out to bid the installation of promised fencing between the short row of homes along Village Garden Dr. (Easy Living section) and the apartments behind them.

7) Eighty-four home owners have submitted their information for our new Directory. Three requested no listing. The cost will run $800 - $1,000. Advertising support is still being sought.
Contact: Jack Mayer, 748-4712; or Karen Waters, 454-0874.

8) The Board will prepare a 15-month budget (last quarter of '08 through 8) The Board will prepare a 15-month budget (last quarter of '08 though all of '09) to include a list of needed projects.


On Oct. 3, The Richmond Times Dispatch published the following information:

A grand jury has determined no one was criminally negligent in the fatal collapse of a building in Chester [Village Green, on Fountain Square Plaza] last month, but a county-hired engineer has found the contractor to blame for faulty bracing.

The two-story building at 4301 Fountain Square Plaza collapsed on Sept. 10 after drywall was loaded onto a floor supported by an unbraced steel stud designed to bear less than half the weight placed on it, according to an engineering analysis released yesterday by Chesterfield County.

The grand jury concluded yesterday that there was no evidence of either criminal conduct or "culpable and gross negligence of any party or government entity regarding this incident."

According to W. Carter Sinclair Jr., an engineer based in Virginia Beach who was hired to analyze the collapse, the county is responsible for inspecting and approving permanent, but not temporary, bracing during construction. "This is a gray area . . . however it is still the ultimate responsibility of the contractor."

Courtesy of The Village News, you can read the entire engineer's report by clicking on:


Our HOA (Home Owners' Association) President, Howard Corey, has sent the following notice:
Repair of the alleyways starts Oct. 8.
Once the repairs are completed, cones will be put out to close them off. Once the alley ways have been paved, stay off the new paved area for at least two days. For some of the residents this might require parking on the streets for a couple of days.Thanks in advance for your cooperation. The places where you have seen red circles in the alley ways are where repairs are taking place.