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Saturday, May 9, 2009


The monthly HOA Board meeting, took place on Wednesday, May 6, 7:00 pm, at the Arts Center office on the Green, open to all home owners. All four Board members were present, plus the HOA Manager and 14 home owners.

After the Minutes of the last Meeting were read and approved, the following items were taken up:

1) Dr. Robert Owens, President of the Chester Community Association urged active cooperation between our two organizations to increase our influence and effectiveness. Current issue which would benefit from a cooperative approach are: A. What to do about the Fountain Square ruins, since it will be years before the law suits and citations are cleared to allow redevelopment of this eyesore; B. Better signage for the one-way streets around the Green to prevent accidents; C. The near-stagnant wetlands creek that feed into the pond.

2) Financial Report

3) Neighborhood Watch: We still have a trespassing problem (kids cutting through people's yards.

4) Landscaping Committee: The nine-member committee explained the process it followed in asking for bids for the next contract, to begin July 1. Many companies were contacted. Three submitted bids with the required detailed information. The bids were evaluated on a 100-point scale. Snow removal will now become a separate contract. The committee recommended entering into a new (revised) contract with our present landscaper (Unlimited Landscaping), at a new and lower cost, namely, $100 per residence, along with a separate lower-priced snow removal contract. This recommendation was approved by the Board after open discussion.

5) Re-certification of back flow at each residence: Unlimited's price for doing this for all homes at the same time: $55/home, or $75 if done individually. The Board approved using HOA funds to pay for this at the $55/home rate.

6) The Annual Meeting for the election of officers and amending the Articles of Incorporation, the Covenants, and the By-Laws (to eliminate conflicts and bring them into agreement with each other) will take place on Tuesday, October 6, 2009, at the Library.

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