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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Snow of Jan. 29 - 30, 2010

Above, the Snow of  Fri. & Sat., Jan. 29 - 30, 2010, as seen late on Mon., Feb.1.      BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL WALKING OR DRIVING; BEWARE OF BLACK ICE (which is almost invisible).

The deep snow of Dec.18 was almost (but not quite) all gone when the deep snow of Jan. 29 - 30 arrived. Most of it will probably still be with us when the predicted snow of Feb. 5 - 6 arrives (and more snow/mix is forecast for Feb. 9 & 10). And we have so often bragged to our Northern friends and relatives that, "it hardly ever snow in Virginia, and when it does, it is all gone in a day or two."

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