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Sunday, October 10, 2010

HOA October Newsletter

P. O. BOX83S


TIME; 7:00 PM


We will be voting on Board of Directors. There are several items I have enclosed in this months newsletter and billing:

--Letter from the President of the Association, Howard Corey

--Presentation of 2011 budget

--Proxy (in case you are not able to come to meeting)

--Regulations and restriction reminder

--Monthly Assessment Dues

I have been calling Dominion Power on your street lights, they are telling me we are not on their priority list. I will continue to call and bug them. I know it is getting darker earlier and I will be diligent on your behalf.

LANDSCAPING NEWS: Please keep in mind that Unlimited will NOT be putting down chemicals or salt on your sidewalks, porches or driveways this year due to concrete problems we have had in the past. When it starts cooling down, the landscapers will be replacing shrubs and trees that are dead in your yards.

I have. heard from.some of you,.but please email me, .if you have a deads shrub or tree ..

Hopefully by now all your shrubs have been trimmed and your alleyways look great. We would like to thank Me. John Worden for resealing your alleyways.

YES, I know the fountain is down again, we are in the process of looking into fixing the fountain or purchasing a new fountain. We are having covers placed in front of the drainage holes in the pond, this will help debris from getting into to the fountain's motor.

QUESTION: One of your fellow neighbors has expressed that the entrance into Chester Village seems a little drab after coming over the bridge. If you would like to discuss what can be done, please contact me and give me your opinions. We need ideas I!!!

--Florence Henderson

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