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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Report on June HOA Board Meeting

The Homeowners AssoBoard met June 6, 2010.
Board members present: Howard Corey, President; Robert Tierney, Vice President;  Jack Mayer, Treasurer; Arlene Ripp, Secretary; and Andrew McCauley. Also present: 11 homeowners.

1) Treasurer's Report: We are within budget. The finances are in good shape.

2) Fountain: The cost of purchasing a new one turned out to be more expensive than originally thought, so it was repaired. More study will be done, repairs versus new one in the future. We are responsible for the fountain, but the county has certified the pond and is responsible for its maintenance.

3) Neighborhood Watch will be sending us all information about the annual National Night Out coming up soon on Tuesday, August 3, 2010.

4) Architectural Review Committee chair Steve Perez warns that there could be serious consequences for failure to obtain the committee's OK for exterior changes or additions. (Note: the County has a seat on this committee.)

5) Mitchell Patterson reports that the ad hoc Tree Subcommittee has identified three tree species suitable for replacing the Sycamores currently in place along our streets if/when they become problems. The costs involved will be studied next.
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