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Tuesday, February 24, 2009


On February 24, Florence, Mitchell Patterson, and Howard Corey met with Robert Claudio from the county and Elaine Holley the Corps of Engineers to discuss the wetland. The following is summary of this meeting:

1) No permanent changes to the wetland can be made without the approval of the Corps. This includes the cutting of trees. Some drainage ditches which feed the pond are clogged up.

2) The water level in the pond seems to be too high, causing the water flow from the wetlands to be much too slow.

3) There were other flaws found with the drainage pipes that the county will review.

4) The pond is currently going through a certification process with the county. Certification is the responsibility of the developers.

5) Suggestions for getting rid of the geese were a low fence and/or flowers on our side of the pond or a barrier of mulch around the pond on our side. Also, signs will be put up citing the county ordinance which prohibits feeding geese.

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