At its meeting on Nov. 4, the five-member board decided to hold a special meeting on Wed., Dec. 2, 7:00 PM, on whether or not to take a position on the electronic sign being proposed for Rt. 10 near Chester Village Dr., when it comes up before the county Board of Supervisors, --and, if so, what that position should be.
The Board asks that home owners vote their opinion in the column to the left, as guidance for the Board before its meeting. Only one vote per home owner will be accepted. Please answer BOTH questions (select ONE answer for #1, #2, OR #3, and ONE answer for #A OR #B). The voting was closed briefly on Nov. 3, but has been re-opened until Dec. 2.
(Sorry about the misspelling of "approval" in the headline, but no editing/correcting is possible after voting has begun.)
For more information about the proposal, read the story below, headed,
"Report on Electronic Sign Meeting".
Leave your thoughts, comments, and suggestions and read others' comments, by clicking on the word, "comments", in the line below:
The Board asks that home owners vote their opinion in the column to the left, as guidance for the Board before its meeting. Only one vote per home owner will be accepted. Please answer BOTH questions (select ONE answer for #1, #2, OR #3, and ONE answer for #A OR #B). The voting was closed briefly on Nov. 3, but has been re-opened until Dec. 2.
(Sorry about the misspelling of "approval" in the headline, but no editing/correcting is possible after voting has begun.)
For more information about the proposal, read the story below, headed,
"Report on Electronic Sign Meeting".
Leave your thoughts, comments, and suggestions and read others' comments, by clicking on the word, "comments", in the line below: