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Thursday, August 6, 2009


The Chester Village Green Board of Directors met Aug. 5. The meeting was open to all home owners. Items discussed at the meeting:
1) OK'd minor repairs to driveways.
2) OK'd the formation of a committee to develop a policy regarding the trees along our sidewalks and streets. Some of them are now out-growing their assigned spaces and endangering the sidewalks.
3) The pond has been treated for algae, which should take care of that problem for the rest of this summer. The Board will investigate other possible avenues of treatment which might be used in the future. It will also investigate the possibility of stocking the west side of the bridge with vegetation-eating fish to get rid of the growth in that area.
4) The Board and all present expressed gratitude to Vice President Robert Tierney for the publication and distribution of our new Directory. Please notify Bob (768-0457) or Florence Harrison (356-7999) about any errors or changes you would like in your entry for the next edition.
Next Board meeting: Wed., Sept. 1, 7:00 PM, in the Arts Center office. At that meeting, the Board hopes to present nominations for the elections to take place at the Annual Meeting October 6, at the Library, as well as the proposed changes to the By-Laws which will be up for approval by the membership at that Annual Meeting.
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