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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Report on HOA Feb. 2 Meeting with Supervisor Jaeckle and County Staff

(Click on the photo to enlarge it.)
Our Home Owners Asso. Board of Directors held an open meeting with our County Supervisor, Dorothy Jaeckle, Vice Chair of the County Board of Supervisors, and eight members of the county staff, on Feb. 2, in the Arts Center office. All five Board members were present, plus 33 home owners.

1)   The speeding problem on Chester Village Drive: The VDOT representative presented various methods used to slow traffic through a neighborhood and each one's legal requirements. These can be viewed on line at:   .   Most methods could not legally be used here. [After the meeting, one of the homeowners suggested to appropriate county staff that the installation of yellow caution signs (e.g., "Sharp Curve Safe Speed 20" :

could have some beneficial effect, without involving any legal procedures such as changing the speed limit or adding an additional fine. He will check to see if it is possible to do this.]

2) Backflow testing: Beginning about March 1, the County will send out letters to all homes using irrigation systems with separate water meters, reminding them about the annual backflow testing requirement. [In our development, our HOA has negotiated a special price to have all backflows tested at the same time that the irrigation systems are turned back on. Those that fail will be required to pay for the repair.]

 3] The collapsed building eyesore:          

The County building office has checked with the owner, and he has given permission for the property to be cleaned up and possibly painted with murals featuring the planned Chesterfield Center for the Arts. The office will work with the Sheriff's Dept. to arranged for prisoner work crews for the clean up.

4)  Construction will begin soon on the outdoor stage/platform next to the Arts Center office for use by the monthly concerts which will begin in April.

5) Dogs: One new suggestion was made for dealing with the ongoing problem of loose dogs and owners not picking up after their dogs --Two witnesses could go with a photo to a county magistrate and request an appropriate order or fine.

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