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Thursday, July 2, 2009


Our Home Owners Association Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on Wed., July 1, in the office of the Arts Foundation. All three Board members and the Manager were present (see "Board of Directors" listing in left side column). Eight residents also attended.
1) A moment of silence was observed in memory of resident Lawrence D. Matthews, DDS, who died July 1.
2) The minutes of the June 3 meeting were read and approved, followed by the Treasurer's report, which indicated a healthy and secure financial state for the Association.
3) President Corey gave a recap and update of the HOA meeting with County Supervisor Dorothy Jaeckle and several county officials: --the President walked around the pond with the responsible county official, and they found some problems which the developer will have to address before the pond can be certified and turned over to the county to maintain; --the official sent our President some suggestions for algae control. (Algae control cannot begin until after it has been decided whether or not to drain the pond as part of the certification process.)
4) Our HOA Manager, Florence Harrison, reported an increase in complaints about:
--Speeding cars: the police have been called several times; please continue to report speeding to the police (at 748=1251, NOT 911).
--Dog violations: dogs allowed to run loose with out a leash, and owners not picking up after their dogs. Police have been called. Fines ($50) have been imposed by both the county and the Association. Please call our manager and the police (at 748=1251, NOT 911) if you observe violations of county laws and Association covenants.
--Blocked mail boxes: the U. S. Post Office has notified the Association the mail will NOT be delivered to mail boxes that are blocked by parked vehicles. There must be enough room on both sides of the mail box for the carrier to drive in and out. The carrier is not required to leave the delivery vehicle to deliver mail. Undelivered mail must be picked up at the Post Office. Residents should park all vehicles in their garages and driveways.
5) There are presently two fencing permission requests before our Architectural Review Committee.
6) The newly revised contract with Unlimited Landscaping has been finalized and signed. At the end of three years, it can be extended for three more years. Individual monthly home owner charges should remain the same for the next six years.
7) The Board conducted the annual evaluation of our only employee, Manager Florence Harrison, and rated her very highly and voted her a pay raise of 5%.
8) The Board will arrange for Unlimited Landscaping to conduct the required annual certification of back-flow valves for each home. This will be done annually at the same time that lawn sprinklers are turned back on in the Spring.
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