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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Report on the Home Owners' Association Board Meeting, Nov. 12

The meeting took place in the Village Hall at 7:00 PM. Board members present
(L - R): Robert Tierney (Vice Pres.), Jack Mayer (Secretary-Treasurer), Howard Corey (President), and Association Manager, Florence Harrison. The meeting was attended by a dozen or so home owners.

1) The Board approved a proposal to complete the fencing behind the three homes on the East side of Village Garden Drive, opposite Village Garden Circle. The fencing had been promised by the developer, and is necessary for security reasons to eliminate potentially dangerous tresspassing. In addition, if the Architectural Review Committee approves, the home owners may plant thorny bushes along the fence line after it is installed.
2) Treasurer's budget report: Expenses have begun to eat away at the Association's cash reserves. The HOA will hold a special budget meeting on Tue., Dec. 2, 7:00 pm., in the Chester Library.
3) The Annual Meeting will be held in January at the library to approve the annual budget and any proposed By-Law changes. Date to be announced.
4) Our new CVG Directory will be printed this month. One copy will be distributed to each home in December.
5) The Board is currently re-negotiating the snow (!) removal section of lour contract with Unlimited Landscaping.
6) Home solicitations: Those home owners who do not want solicitors coming to their front doors should place a "No Solicitation" sign on their doors. (Signs are not allowed in yards without premission from the Architectural Review Committee.)


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