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Thursday, September 4, 2008


The Chester Village Green Home Owners Association Board of Directors met on Wed., Sept. 3, 7:00 pm, at Village Hall, the office for the Chester Center for the Arts (pictured at left).

1) Treasurer's report: By the HOA By-laws, the Board has the authority to levy fines and interest charges on over due
Association dues. That process will begin soon. Details will be included in the next monthly billing.

---A financial statement was given to all members in asttendance. Those who were not there can obtain copies from any of the officers or the manager listed in the HOA Board section in the left panel.

2) Committee Reports:
--Neighborhood Watch is trying to get an accurate police report for CVG.
--The new CVG Directory committee needs help soliciting advertisers.
--The Landscaping Committee is meeting with the provider regularly. Some lawns look neglected. Trying to get that corrected. The pond looks better as a resujlt of chemical treatment. The wetlands need to be cleaned out.