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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The HOA Board of Directors met on Dec. 2, 7:00 PM, at the Library. Present swere all three Board members, the Asso. manager, and 13 home owners.
The Board has begun to accrue funds for major projects which will be facing us in the future, especially repairs to the alleyways and tree replacements.
The Board unanimously approved $8600 to complete a promised security fence.
The Board agreed to present two By-Law ammendments to the membership for approval at the Annual Meeting on Jan. 6, 7:00 PM, at the library:
1) Expansion of the Board from three members to five. (See By-Laws, Art. VI, Sec. 2.)
2) Lowering the quorum requirement for Annual and Special Meetings of the Membership. The present requirement is 50% of the membership, based on one voting member per parcel. This reqjuirement is difficult to achieve, and failure to do so can prevent action on important matters. (See Art. V, Sec. 7.)
The 2009 budget will also be voted on. (The Board received input for the budget from members at the Dec. 2 meeting).