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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reports on HOA Board Meetings of Dec. 1 and Jan. 5

Our Home Owners Association Board met in the Arts Center office at 7:00 PM on Dec. 1, 2010, and on Jan. 5, 2011.

Dec. 1
All five officers and the Asso. Mgr. were present.
Six home owners were also present.
1) The minutes of the Nov. 2 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
2) Treasurer's Report: A balanced budget and a positive balance were reported.
3) Replacement of trees along our roadways: The committee recommends replacing the trees over a three-year period --1/3 annually before the Spring growth begins.
4) The inspection of backflow valves (required by the county) has been completed: 14 did not pass and must be repaired at owner's expense. (The inspections were paid for by the Association.)
5) Shrub replacement has been completed.
6) The results of the recently completed landscaping satisfaction survey will be reviewed with Unlimited.
7) The Village Bunco ladies decorated our bridge entrance for the holidays. Praise and thanks were expressed.
8) A Dog Committee has been formed. It will enforce HOA Covenants and County laws.

Jan. 5
Board members present: Corey, Pierce, & Ripp, and the Asso. Mgr.
Home owners present: 12
1) The minutes of Dec. 1 were read and approved.
2) Manager's Report: Her office will be concentrating on irrigation and other Spring-related matters. Snow removal-- general satisfaction has been expressed so far. If you have any snow removal problems, contact Florence (356-7999, email:
3) Speed problem on Chester Village Drive-- Proposed: request the Highway Dept. to put down a double yellow (no passing) line, which should slow traffic, espcially along the curve at the north end where accidents have occured.
4) Ray Turner is scaring off the geese with a special noise & flash gun.
5) Planning is underway to initiate a series of monthly concerts on The Green,  on the 2nd Tuesdays, probably to begin in April. Several local associations are joining together to raise funds for an outdoor stage.
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