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Monday, September 27, 2010

Emergency Restrictions for All Water Customers

Due to the historically hot and unusually dry weather, coupled with the record low water levels in Lake Chesdin, the Appomattox River Water Authority is requiring that all member jurisdictions implement emergency water restrictions. Chesterfield County Utilities Department, as a member of the Appomattox River Water Authority, is required by its agreement with the water authority to implement emergency water restrictions for its customers. Effective Tuesday, Sept. 28, in accordance with county ordinances, emergency water restrictions are being issued for all Chesterfield County water customers by Chesterfield County Administrator James J.L. Stegmaier.

Currently, Lake Chesdin is at the lowest recorded water level since it was created. Chesterfield County greatly appreciates and relies upon the cooperative efforts of its residents to conserve water during historic drought periods such as we currently are experiencing. Following is a list of the restrictions. This list also is available online at

•Established landscaping (lawns, vegetable gardens, flowers, trees andshrubs) — All water use is prohibited.

•New landscaping — All water use is prohibited.

•Washing paved areas — All water use is prohibited.

•Swimming pools — All water use is prohibited.

•Vehicle washing — Prohibited, except at commercial car washes.

•Golf courses — All water use is prohibited.

•Businesses — Limit water uses to those essential for business and human hygiene.

•Restaurants — Use water only for cooking, hygiene and beverages.

•All other consumption — Limit water to essential use only.

Any person found to be in violation of the above restrictions will be subject to the following fines, which will be imposed on the customer’s next water bill.

Amounts are:

•First offense — $200

•Second offense — $400

•Third offense — $800

•Fourth and each subsequent offense — $1,600

For more information or to report a violation, customers should contact the Department of Utilities at 804-748-1271.
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