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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Report on Feb. 3, 2010, Board Meeting

The Chester Village Green Homeowners' Asso. Board met on Feb. 3, 7:00 PM, in the Arts Center office.
Board members present:

Howard Corey, President,
Robert Tierney, Vice Pres.,
Jack Mayer, Treasurer,
Arlene Ripp, Secretary,
Andrew McCauley,
Also present: Association Manager: Florence Harrison.
Homeowners present: 13

1) Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
2) Treasurer's Report: Our cash reserve is in good shape, but snow removal is eating into it.
3) Snow Removal: few complaints --generally seen as done well and timely. Unlimited Landscaping's contract responsibility with us is to remove snow from the back alleys, the driveways, and the sidewalks. VDOT is responsible for the streets. They came on Monday, Feb. 1. Chemicals and rock salt are no longer being applied to sidewalks, because of the damage caused in the past.
4) Dogs: Both residents and visitors are failing to clean up after their dogs, especially in the grassy areas between the sidewalks and the streets.
5) Verizon FIOS: They are once again digging up lawns in order to connect new customers to the fiber optic lines they buried in the Fall. Sometimes they
dig up a non-customer's lawn in order to bring the line through to the new customer. Some home owners have had very disturbing experiences with both Verizon and its subcontractors during this process. For this reason, Verizon management will be invited to be present at the next Board meeting to answer questions from both the Board and home owners.

6) Future tree replacements: As the trees along our sidewalks grow, they may have to be replaced if their roots begin to damage the sidewalks. A committee will meet with experts on Feb. 18 to determine the best trees for replacement.

7) Sidewalk & driveway deterioration: About 10 homes have been affected. Apparently, the concrete mix was too thin, and chemicals are accelerating the deterioration process.

8) Geese: The board has contracted with a goose management company to control the geese. Trained and controlled collie dogs will be used. Please do not call Animal Control if you see them working.

Once again, the Board reminds everyone of the obligation to:
--walk dogs on a leash and pick up after them
--park cars in garages so that streets and driveways can be cleared
--do not park on the wrong side of the street --a ticketable law violation
--do not park in front of your neighbor's home.

The Village Book club will hold a BOOK SALE for the public on Sat., March 13, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, at the Chester United Methodist Church, 12132 Percival St., - and everyone is encouraged to come and buy books for your own enjoyment. It is for the benefit of the Central Asia Institute, which builds hundreds of schools in Aghanistan and Pakistan. Please also donate books. You can leave your book donations in a box or grocery bag on Carol Ray's front porch, 4408 Village Garden Cir.

Artists will be at work  on their paintings in the Arts Center office on Thursdays, March 11 & 18, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. You are welcome to come and observe.

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