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Thursday, June 26, 2008


Our Homeowners Association Board of Directors held an open meeting on Wed., June 25, 5:30 pm, at the Center for the Arts Office. In addition to the Directors, about 7 - 8 homeowners attended. As each item on the agenda was brought to the floor, the directors invited comments and discussion from the floor. Participation was active and lively. ALL homeowners are invited to attend the monthly meetings of the board. The April meeting will include the annual election of officers, and the October meeting will include voting on any needed By-law changes. Watch this space for dates.

1) The Bank balance as of 6/25/08 was reported. Homeowners who would like to know the balance should contact one of the HOA officers.
2) Additional fencing requested by some homeowners to eliminate frequent shortcuts through their property: 1300 linear feet would be required at the approximate cost of $52,000 for vinyl or $19,500 for salt-treated wood. An alternative of planting thorny spyrea bushes was suggested. V. P. Bob Tierney will continue to look into this project.

3) The present Landscaping contract with Unlimited Landscaping will come up for renewal in 2009. Homeowners generally express satisfaction with the work they do. The Board will try to renegotiate the contract to exclude unneeded services (possibly snow removal, e.g.).

4) The Board is looking into the publication of a new directory paid for by ads. Look for your own listing to appear in your mail or newspaper box giving you an opportunity to make corrections before the printing.

5) The Board feels that there is an immediate need to form a Social Activities Committee to coordinate open social activities to prevent conflicts and to promote a sense of community. To volunteer call V.P. Bob Tierney, 768-0457.
(On Sept. 13, the annual Chesterfest will be held on the Green from 10:00 - 5:00, and a CVG Residents' Cookout & Wine Tasting will be held in the Commons area between Village Garden Drive and Chester Village Drive.

6) Dog Droppings which are not cleaned up by their owners. Not to clean up is a violation of the Covenants & By-Laws which all residents sign before moving in. Residents should have clean up materials with them when they walk their dogs.

7) A Chester Village Green Council has been established and includes representatives from: --our HOA (Howard Corey), Festival Park, and the Chester Community Asso.

8) The Board voted unanimously to hire Florence Harrison as our new Association manager with a 1-yr. contract to start with, at the rate of $8.50/residence + expenses.

9) Safety: In an effort to stop non-residents from walking the back allies and becoming nuisances (esp., in early morning or late at night, or with excessive noise), the Board is looking into the wording of new signage which will enable police to arrest violators for trespassing. Also, the board is awaiting response from the State with regard to the right of residents to walk the alleys and easements.