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Friday, June 13, 2008


From the police blotter, as reported on June 11 by The Village News:

"Village Creek Dr., 5/30/08, Chester Village Green. Property reported stolen from unlocked tan 2003 Chevrolet Malibu. Vehicle was parked in victim’s driveway." [Emphasis added.]

In recent months, a number of car burglaries have occurred in CVG. In most cases, the car was unlocked. Most of us think that a car is safer in our driveways (e.i., the garage apron) than when when parked in the street. That is not necessarily true.

Vigilance is also necessary. Remember that only residents are allowed in the driveways behind our houses. If you see strangers (non-residents) walking or driving on these driveways (or any other suspicious activity), call your Neighborhood Watch Block Captain (see list in left side panel).