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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Recommendation: Deny Rezoning for Property Adjoining CVG

At their June 15 meeting, for the third time in two years, the Planning Commission recommended denial of a rezoning request that would allow up to 65 apartments to be added to Chester Village Green.

The commission has twice recommended denial of the request, and the Board of Supervisors has twice remanded the case to the commission. According to its report on the issue, the planning staff continues to recommend denial of the request because the “proffered conditions do not mitigate project impacts on capital facilities,” such as schools, roads and parks.

The following was the rezoning request that was denied:

In Bermuda Magisterial District, EMERSON-ROPER COMPANIES, LLC requests rezoning and amendment of zoning district map from Agricultural (A) to Community Business (C-3) with Conditional Use to permit multifamily use plus Conditional Use Planned Development to permit exceptions to Ordinance requirements on 5.0 acres fronting approximately 290 feet on the north line of Chester Village Drive at Village Creek Drive. Density will be controlled by zoning conditions or ordinance standards. The Comprehensive Plan suggests the property is appropriate for neighborhood mixed use uses.

All persons favoring, opposing or interested in the above are invited to appear at the time and place herein stated and may speak. Copies of the above requests are on file in the County Administrator’s Office (Room 505) at the Chesterfield County Administration Building and in the Planning Department at the Chesterfield County Community Development Building, 9800 Government Center Parkway, Chesterfield, Virginia, for public examination during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. More information about these requests can be found at

This hearing will take place in the PUBLIC MEETING ROOM, CHESTERFIELD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING at Ironbridge Rd. & Lori.

To view the location (adjoining Chester Village Green), click on the following link:,-77.452583&spn=0.007368,0.015986&z=16

The Chesterfield County Planning Commission's June 15 2015, meeting will be streamed live on the County's web site at CCTV; and broadcasted through Comcast Channel 17
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