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Saturday, January 31, 2009


Click on the following link, then select " HOA Newsletter, 2-09", then click on small magnifying glass icon at right, to see this in larger print:

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Thursday, January 29, 2009


Our HOA Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 PM, Wed., Feb. 4, in the Village Hall (the Arts Center office). Though only the three directors may vote at the monthly meetings, ALL HOMEOWNERS are invited to attend, ask questions, and discuss agenda items.
Leave your thoughts, comments, and agenda suggestions by clicking on the word, "comments", below:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Senior Citizen's Police Academy

(Picture above is from last Spring's Academy.) (For more Academy photos, click on the following link:

The Chesterfield County Police Department Senior Citizen Academy invites you to be a part of its 10-week program. Classes begin in May at the Clover Hill Police Facility, 2730 Hicks Road. Applications are now being accepted.
The program’s curriculum will focus on public safety and crime-related issues that can affect the senior community. Students also will learn about the daily operations of the police department. Class topics include personal safety, crime prevention methods, identity theft, fraud, emergency communications, special response teams, domestic terrorism, investigations and the Crime Solvers program.
The program is free to citizens 55 years old or older who reside, work, own a business or belong to a civic organization in Chesterfield County. Class size is limited to 25 students. The registration deadline is to be announced. You may download and print the application form at CitizensAcademyApplication.pdf. For more information, contact Sgt. Dave Deringer at 318-8687 or, or Crime Prevention Officer David Zeheb at 318-8692 or .

Thursday, January 15, 2009


What is this program? What are the requirements to participate? How much does it cost? How do you join? The answers are given in the photo of the flyer, below.

Click on the photo for a larger, easier to read version:

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This was the scene at the Chester Library on Jan. 6 for the Annual Meeting of the HOA, which had been delayed from October. A quorum of over 50% was achieved.

The current three board members were re-elected:

Howard Corey, President, 11507 Village Garden Dr., 454-0602; Jack Mayer, Secretary-Treasurer, 4430 Village Creek Dr., 748-4712; Robert Tierney, Vice Pres., 4243 Chester Village Circle, 768-0457. Their terms will expire at the next scheduled Annual Meeting, Oct. 7, 2009.

Action on the proposed amendments to the By-Laws was postponed until a Special Meeting of the homeowners can be called. Article VI, Section 7.3, of the Articles of Incorporation must be amended before Article VI, Section 2 of the By-Laws can be amended to increase the number of Directors on the Board from three to five. The Articles of Incorporation require a vote of two-thirds of the Homeowners to amend them (Article IX).

The other proposed amendment (to Article V, Section 7 of the By-Laws) (to change the Quorum requirement from 50% to 1/3 of the membership) --will also be taken up at the next Special Meeting.

In other business, the following topics were reviewed:

1) The Security Fence between three homes on Village Garden Drive and the apartments: money has been appropriated, but details remain to be worked out.

2) Developer's Punch List of items to be completed/corrected: sidewalk at northwest end of Village Creek Dr. is only item left.

3) Landscaping: A draft bid proposal has been developed and potential bidders are being contacted so that they can review the package and make recommendations. The committee is hoping to mail a final package to potential bidders within the next six weeks. The goal is to obtain a price in the range of $95 +/- 5% compared to the current 2009 price of $122 per house. The goal is also to maintain the same level of service.

4) Management services: Could not find companies interested in taking us on. Florence Harrison accepted the job.

5) The Fountain is owned and maintained by our HOA, but the pond (up to the top of the pond banks) is owned by Jim Daniels. The stagnant creek water to the West of the small bridge at our entrance is a protected wetland. Nothing can be done without the approval of the Army Corps of Engineers, but something must be done because it is a major breeding ground for mosquitoes, and it produces an unwelcome odor. It was suggested that the county Board of Health be contacted.

6) The Geese are also a growing health problem. They have begun to occupy areas beyond the pond green. Their droppings are everywhere, a health danger for pets, children, and adults. This, also, should become a Board of Health concern. The solution is difficult, since the geese are federally protected.

7) There has also recently been an increase in unremoved dog droppings. Residents must pick up their dogs' droppings. By county law, dogs must be kept on a leash at all times, "even if the animal is within voice command."

8) The transition process from the developer's HOA to our new HOA was reviewed.

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Friday, January 2, 2009