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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brazen Geese Ignore Sign

Our brazen geese graze right in front of the sign which says, "This area for use of homeowners only."  Could we get the police to arrest them for tresspassing?

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Saturday, December 26, 2009


Dec. 19:

Dec. 26, same scene:

What a diffedrence one week makes!

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Saturday, December 19, 2009


The crews are out but, this is a heavy snow and will take longer than expected to clear. If you go out, Please be careful.

Yesterday, the President of our HOA  requested the snow removal crews to begin clearing Saturday morning by 10 AM making sure that all entrances to  garages , sidewalks that lead to a garages, and alleyways that lead to the main streets be cleaned or at least passable. Once the snow stops, in the order mention above all alleyways, driveways, sidewalks and streets should be cleared.

Chemicals or salt should only be used on surfaces where dangerous ice will form. if a homeowner does not want chemicals or salt used on their property, their wishes should be honored.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Report on Dec. Board Meeting

Our homeowners' association Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on Dec. 4, at the Arts Center office. Board members present: Howard Corey (Pres.), Jack Mayer (Treasurer), Arlene Ripp (Secretary), & Andrew MCauley, and Florence Harrison (Asso. Mgr,). Absent: Robert Tierney (Vice Pres.). About 15 home owners were also present.

1) The minutes of the Nov. meeting were read and approved.

2) The Treasurer reported a positive bank balance and made the printed report available to those present.

3) Florence Harrison reported that the sprinkler systems have been winterized. Also, the type of mulch to be applied in the Spring will be reviewed in January (to avoid the problem with the artillery mites.

4) Carol Ray (our Neighborhood Watch Coordinator) reported that the Police Dept. has recognized us a fully operating program. They have also provided us with a web site to check on crime reports in our neighborhood. Click on:  (The County Police Neighborhood Watch Newsletter)

After arriving at that site, scroll down to the end click on "View calls for service within neighborhoods having a Neighborhood Watch Program", then go through the alphabetical list of neighborhoods until you reach Chester Village Green.

5) Landscaping: This committee will meet with state/county officials to develop a plan for the trees along our roads before they begin to uproot our sidewalks.

6) Because of the frequent rain, the alleyways will be resealed in the Spring.

7) Our legal consultant is now reviewing issues regarding resident non-compliance of our by-laws and covenants,

8) Proposed electronic sign: 2,500 - 3,000 vehicles turn into CVG from Rt. 10, most of which go to Walgreen's and the library. Most never see the businesses in Festival Park. All agreed that they want to support efforts to build business for the businesses in CVG, including Festival Park. One problem is that Festival Park sees itself as separate from Chester Village Green (CVG). A common name and common marketing approach seems to be necessary. All agreed that they do not object to a sign on Rt. 10 to draw people into otherwise unknown businesses, and they all agreed that such a sign should not be electronic. An alternative non-electronic, flood-lighted sign was presented, see below:    (Click on the image below to make it larger.)

To see the design and the dimensions of the proposed electronic sign, scroll down to:
Thursday, October 22, 2009 Report on Electronic Sign Meeting

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