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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snow RemovaL Schedule

The HOA reports that snow removal started even before the end of the snow. We started with the driveways, sidewalks, walkways and streets in that order. (The streets were plowed this morning to prevent rutting and packing.)

We will keep in touch as the storm progresses. You can contact Florence 804-356-7999 or for more update info.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beware --Icy, Slippery Conditions


Outside it is quite slippery and will get worse as it gets colder. Remember, because of the uncertainty of the density of the walkway and driveway concrete at each home, our contractor will not be applying chemicals to these areas.

If you have to go out tonight (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday), be careful!

Pass this message on to your neighbors.

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Snow Removal Schedule

From our Home Owners Association President    

According to the current forecast, Most of the snow from this storm should have fallen by 3 PM on the 16th. Therefore, we have scheduled clean up to start at this time. We are asking Unlimited to start in Easy Living and perform snow removal in the following order:

1) All Driveways, alleyways and streets
2) All walkways and sidewalks

To expedite the process, we are asking everyone (where possible) to please park  cars within their garages. If you can't park in your garage, please park on the street until your driveway is finished and then move your car to the driveway. Remember, we pay by the hour for these cleanups and our goal is to be finished by 8:30 PM

If you have any questions call Florence ( 356-7999),  or me, Howard Corey (454-0602).

Since everyone does not have internet access, please advise you neighbors of what the process will be.

Be careful.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Holiday Decorations and Bridge Lighting

The ladies of the CVG Bunco group (with a few husband assistants) worked hard and long to decorate our main entrance for the Holidays on Dec.2. A lighting ceremony was held at the entrance on Sunday, Dec. 5, at 5:00 PM, with a reception in the Center for the Arts office following. 
The results:

(Click on photos to make them larger and clearer.)

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