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Saturday, May 31, 2008


(Click on above image to make it larger.)

A petition seeking community-friendly design for this four-lane, divided roadway which will border Chester Village Green and go through the heart of Chestrer, is available by clicking on the following link:

A very large number of signers are needed to be able to influence the road planners. Please spread the word and the petition link, and print the petition and circulate it. Decisions will be made this summer!
The Chester Business Association considers the issue at their June 3 meting.

Our Bermuda District Supervisor, Dorthy Jaekle, indicated her support of a pedestrian friendly road, and wants to work to achieve the balance of a road that will relieve traffic woes but not disrupt the Chester Community. She encourages everyone to be involved in the planning of this road.
Also email Dorothy at:
Also, volunteers are needed at the ready to push the
community's vision for the north-south boulevard.

Some of the action items for consideration:

Some of the action items for your consideration:

1. Get petitions out to everyone who is willing to
collect signatures.We need thousands, not hundreds.

2. Distribute flyers to all businesses in support of
the community's vision

3. Work to have a petition signing booth or roving
signature collector at upcoming Celebration of the Vine and the Chester Business Association cookout.

Volunteer at:

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