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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


When it met on Tuesday, August 19, the Chesterfield County Planning Commission considered the following as part of its heavy work load:

In the Bermuda District, Emerson-Roper Companies, LLC requests rezoning Agricultural (A) to Community Business (C-3) with Conditional Use to permit multifamily use. The property consists of five acres and could accommodate as many as 60 apartment units. The property lies adjacent to the Chester Village Green development on Chester Village Drive across from Village Creek Drive.

Result: Request was deferred to the September Planning Commission meeting.
This is the property that Emerson bought on March 11. (See photo-map above; this property is outlined in red. Enlarge the map by clicking on it.) As the map shows, the new apartments will become part of the existing apartments.

To read our original story about this, enter "Emerson" in our Search Box in the Left Panel, at the top.


Anonymous said...

Am I missing something here? Isn't this development directly in the path of the proposed N-S road from Branner Station? Does Emerson know something we don't?

Clueless in Chester Village Green

Chester Village Green said...

The new road will skirt the property on the property's West side.

Anonymous said...

This case was not denied. It was deferred to the September Planning Commission meeting.