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Monday, August 11, 2008


These beautiful Canada Geese were grazing happily on the green by the lake on 8-11-08. They are a beautiful nuisance, because they generously leave their "calling cards" all over this commons area --and these "calling cards" are messy and unsanitary for our children and pets playing in the grass, and for us, too.
Our problem: how do we "goose" the geese humanely and safely, so that they will leave our area, at least until next year. If you know of a way to do this, send your suggestion to our Home Owners Asso. (HOA) Board by clicking on the link below:
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Anonymous said...

I suggest we use dogs to chase the geese away. There are companies that we can hire that use leashed dogs daily until the geese lose the habit of staying at the lake. Also, reeds and tall, natural vegetation should be allowed at the edge of the pond. The geese like the bare grass. Arbor Landing HOA had this same problem. They hired a lake management co.

Anonymous said...

Leave the Geese alone. They are God's creatures, especially when they fly over your house. Do something about the trash in the lake instead, around the bridge.