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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Report on Electronic Sign Meeting

Emerson Builders' petition for permission to erect a large electronic sign on Rt. 10, at the entrance to Chester Village Green (CVG), was presented to CVG home owners at a meeting on Oct.21.

The petition will be submitted to the county Board of Supervisors in late winter - early spring. Before that, a community meeting will be held.

The sign will be erected at the edge of the animal hospital property on the West-bound side of the Rt. 10 railroad bridge just before the Chester Village Drive entrance. (At the left is a photo of the design --click on the design to make it larger.) Note the dimensions of the sign.

At our meeting, Carrie Coyner spoke for Emerson Builders:
-- The sign will have multi-colored lights, but no movement and no sound.
-- The brightness of the sign will automatically dim as daylight fades at sunset.
-- In addition to advertising CVG businesses, the sign will be used to announce community, library, and Arts Center events, as will as County emergency announcements (e.g., Amber Alerts).
-- As yet undetermined: how frequently the ads will change (# of seconds).

Reason for the request: There is space for 75 - 100 businesses in CVG. Many of the spaces are not yet filled. None of the spaces are visible from Rt. 10, our main thoroughfare. The sign is needed to draw in customers. Until that happens, development is stalled. CVG was conceived as a village where residents could walk to stores and services and work. A greater variety and number of businesses is needed to make that a reality.

Concerns expressed by those attending the meeting:
--There is a need for an over-all marketing plan; the sign is not enough by itself.
--The ruins of the collapsed building give CVG the appearance of a run-down, abandoned, deteriorating community.

Read more --click on the following link:

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MEETING TONIGHT on Proposed Electronic Sign at. Rt. 10 Entrance to CVG (or on Library Property??)

At left is an example of the type of electronic sign that is proposed for the entrance to Chester Village Green (CVG) at Rt. 10. This proposal will come before the Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.

At this time it is not clear if the above is the same or different from the following:
"Board Action Requested:
The Board is requested to authorize Ms. Carrie Coyner to apply for a
Conditional Use Planned Development on County property located at 11800
Centre Street and commonly known as the Chester Library (Tax ID 788-655-6767)
and to waive the disclosure requirements.
Summary of Information:
An application for a Conditional Use Planned Development is pending submittal
to permit a computer controlled variable message electronic sign identifying
the Festival Park development
generally located in the vicinity of West
Hundred Road and Chester Village Drive. Mrs. Jaeckle has requested that the Board authorize Ms. Carrie Coyner to include the Chester Library property in this application for the purpose of permitting identification of the library
facility on this proposed sign as part of the overall project." (Bold lettering and color have been added by the CVG News for emphasis.)

The sign would electronically change every ? seconds to advertise a different business. It would be in various changing bright colors.

There will be an open meeting with the petitioners to discuss this question on Wed., October 21, 7:00 PM in the Arts Center office. Come and make your voice heard.

Notice the dimensions of the sign:
--Height, 21 ft., 4.5 inches
--Width, 12 ft.
--Thickness, 2 ft.

(You can make the photo larger by clicking on it.)Posted by Picasa

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kiwanis Hard Times Fall Festival

The festival was held on The Green, 4 - 9 PM, 10-14-09. The photos above were taken at 5:15 PM. It was cold, cloudy, damp.

(Click on a photo to make it larger.)
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Thursday, October 8, 2009



The Home Owners Association official Annual Meeting was held Oct. 7, 7:00 PM, in the Chester Library. Ninety-eight owners were present, either in person or by proxy, which is 78.4% of all owners, well over the minimum required for a quorum.

(Click on the photo to make it larger.)
1) Jack Mayer, Secretary-Treasurer, read the minutes of the last Annual Meeting, which were then approved.

2) Mr. Mayer then presented the financial report and the budget for 2009 - 2010.

3) Neighborhood Watch: A new petition was circulated for signatures to request Police Dept. recognition of our Neighborhood Watch organization. The police asked for this to be done, since our original petition has been misfiled and cannot be found.

4) Architectural Review Committee: The Chairman, John McGrann, 454-0874, reported that most requests are reviewed and answered promptly, usually by email. He asked that anybody trying to find the pertinent By-Laws, call him for the references, and also that owners considering changes on their property contact him in advance. Ronnie Jones and Amy Pike Smith are also on the Committee.

5) Verizon FIOS: The President reported on the difficulties in getting Verizon and its subcontractors to restore all lawns to their original state (after their installation of the underground lines). He is continuing to monitor the situation. Verizon has requested a meeting with residents to present FIOS at a date yet to be determined.

6) Emerson Builders is asking the county for permission to erect an electronic sign on Rt. 10 at the entrance to CVG. They will make a presentation to home owners at an open meeting on Wed., Oct. 21, 7:00 PM, in the Arts Center office.

7) Traffic flow issues in both the business and the residential areas of CVG will be presented and discussed at an open meeting. Check this site for the time and place.

8) All the proposed changes to the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws were approved, by a vote of 90 - 8. As a result, our Board of Directors will now have five members, each elected for two years (in future elections), in staggered terms. The quorum required to hold Annual Meetings will now be 35%.

9) ELECTED TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Howard Corey (1 year), Jack Mayer (1 year), Andrew McCauley (2 years), Arlene Ripp (2 years), and Bob Tierney (1 year). The Board will elect its own officers at its next meeting, Nov. 4.
For a short video of the beginning of the meeting, see above.

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