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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MEETING TONIGHT on Proposed Electronic Sign at. Rt. 10 Entrance to CVG (or on Library Property??)

At left is an example of the type of electronic sign that is proposed for the entrance to Chester Village Green (CVG) at Rt. 10. This proposal will come before the Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.

At this time it is not clear if the above is the same or different from the following:
"Board Action Requested:
The Board is requested to authorize Ms. Carrie Coyner to apply for a
Conditional Use Planned Development on County property located at 11800
Centre Street and commonly known as the Chester Library (Tax ID 788-655-6767)
and to waive the disclosure requirements.
Summary of Information:
An application for a Conditional Use Planned Development is pending submittal
to permit a computer controlled variable message electronic sign identifying
the Festival Park development
generally located in the vicinity of West
Hundred Road and Chester Village Drive. Mrs. Jaeckle has requested that the Board authorize Ms. Carrie Coyner to include the Chester Library property in this application for the purpose of permitting identification of the library
facility on this proposed sign as part of the overall project." (Bold lettering and color have been added by the CVG News for emphasis.)

The sign would electronically change every ? seconds to advertise a different business. It would be in various changing bright colors.

There will be an open meeting with the petitioners to discuss this question on Wed., October 21, 7:00 PM in the Arts Center office. Come and make your voice heard.

Notice the dimensions of the sign:
--Height, 21 ft., 4.5 inches
--Width, 12 ft.
--Thickness, 2 ft.

(You can make the photo larger by clicking on it.)Posted by Picasa

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why does the Chester Library need advertising on route 10? Check out the link to see how closely government officials are tied to private interests in Chester.