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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Report on Jan. 6, 2010, Board Meeting

Our Home Owners' Association Board of Directors met at 7:00 PM, Wed., Jan. 6, in the Arts Center office.

Board members present: Howard Corey (Pres.), Jack Mayer (Treasurer), Arlene Ripp (Secretary), & Andrew MCauley, and Florence Harrison (Asso. Mgr,). Absent: Robert Tierney (Vice Pres.). Eleven home owners were also present.

1) Treasurer's report: There is sufficient uncommitted cash available to take care of all current needs. Since snow removal in the current contract with Unlimited Landscaping was changed to billing-per-incident, the Dec. snow removal cost $8,225. Snow was removed quickly and efficiently.
2) Minutes of the Dec. meeting were approved as read by the Secretary.
3) Current concerns: 
    The Goose problem --Mitchell Patterson reported on a meeting with the owner of a company that specializes in controlling goose populations. The owner submitted material describing varkious options. They will now be asked to submit a specific proposal based on our specific situation.
    The fountain --It is not presently operating because of an electrical short related to icing. From now on it will be turned off from Dec. 15 - March 15.
    The proposed electronic sign for the corner of Rt. 10 & Chester Village Dr. --Business owners will meet and draw up a broad, inclusive list of concderns to be added to our concerns before a letter is sent to our county supervisor.
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