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Sunday, March 28, 2010




HOORAY!!!  Our plague of pooping geese have been gone for several weeks now, thanks to the work of the Border Collies from Windchazer Management Company. Thanks also to our HOA Board for hiring Windchazer and to Mitchell Patterson for his work on this effort.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our Area Is Ahead in Census Returns

As of the end of business on April 2, our area of Chesterfield County had a higher rate of census returns (65%) than most of Virginia (62%) and the rest of the nation (56%).

Mailing in your census form saves the government a great deal of expense, since it will not have to send an enumeratgor to your house. It also saves you time. Also, subsidies from the federal government to our state and locality depend upon the official size of our population, as recorded by this census.

A census is requiried by the Constitution. In Article 1, Section 2, the Constitution includes the phrase:

"[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."

If you would like to check the rate of returns for us or any place in the country, click on the following link:

There, the data is updated daily.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Verizon FIOS, a PS

Verizon FIOS is Baaaaaack! This time to dig and lay fiber optic cable to a house on Village Garden Dr. that they forgot when they did all that digging and laying of cable back in September!     (Click on these photos to make them larger.)     

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Supervisors vote to leave tax rate unchanged

On Feb. 24, the Countey Board of Supervisors voted to "advertise" the real estate tax as unchanged ($o.95/$100 of assessed value). The final vite will come at their June meeting.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Urgent Appeal to Dog Owners

The President of our Home Owners' Asso. writes:
"I get more calls about dog feces than any other subject. Our bylaws allow for dogs in the community, but common respect and courtesy calls for each owner to clean up after their dog. As the pictures show, this is not happening all the time. Therefore, without laying blame, I am asking each dog owner to show the same respect for your neighbor as you want shown to you by taking the time to clean up behind your pet.

If you see incidents of people not following the rules, please advise Florence for advice and action." (Association Manager: Florence Harrison, 356-7999, email:

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