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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Urgent Appeal to Dog Owners

The President of our Home Owners' Asso. writes:
"I get more calls about dog feces than any other subject. Our bylaws allow for dogs in the community, but common respect and courtesy calls for each owner to clean up after their dog. As the pictures show, this is not happening all the time. Therefore, without laying blame, I am asking each dog owner to show the same respect for your neighbor as you want shown to you by taking the time to clean up behind your pet.

If you see incidents of people not following the rules, please advise Florence for advice and action." (Association Manager: Florence Harrison, 356-7999, email:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We could post dog bag dispensers on Stop signs and/or trash cans in the area. That may help, but would be an additional expense for the HOA. And someone (maybe the landscape company) would have to maintain and stock the dispensers.