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Monday, September 27, 2010

Emergency Restrictions for All Water Customers

Due to the historically hot and unusually dry weather, coupled with the record low water levels in Lake Chesdin, the Appomattox River Water Authority is requiring that all member jurisdictions implement emergency water restrictions. Chesterfield County Utilities Department, as a member of the Appomattox River Water Authority, is required by its agreement with the water authority to implement emergency water restrictions for its customers. Effective Tuesday, Sept. 28, in accordance with county ordinances, emergency water restrictions are being issued for all Chesterfield County water customers by Chesterfield County Administrator James J.L. Stegmaier.

Currently, Lake Chesdin is at the lowest recorded water level since it was created. Chesterfield County greatly appreciates and relies upon the cooperative efforts of its residents to conserve water during historic drought periods such as we currently are experiencing. Following is a list of the restrictions. This list also is available online at

•Established landscaping (lawns, vegetable gardens, flowers, trees andshrubs) — All water use is prohibited.

•New landscaping — All water use is prohibited.

•Washing paved areas — All water use is prohibited.

•Swimming pools — All water use is prohibited.

•Vehicle washing — Prohibited, except at commercial car washes.

•Golf courses — All water use is prohibited.

•Businesses — Limit water uses to those essential for business and human hygiene.

•Restaurants — Use water only for cooking, hygiene and beverages.

•All other consumption — Limit water to essential use only.

Any person found to be in violation of the above restrictions will be subject to the following fines, which will be imposed on the customer’s next water bill.

Amounts are:

•First offense — $200

•Second offense — $400

•Third offense — $800

•Fourth and each subsequent offense — $1,600

For more information or to report a violation, customers should contact the Department of Utilities at 804-748-1271.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Christmas Decorations Needed

The Bunco Club has volunteered to decorate the Bridge and common areas for Christmas. To complete the task, they are requesting that anyone with decorations they could use, please let them know. If you have any items please email Florence Harrison, 356-7999, email:
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Dog Found, Is It Yours?

A small dog with a pink collar and a lease was found wandering and chasing cars on Chester Village Drive. The dog is about eighteen inches high, black and white in color. Please contact Howard Corey (454-0602) if this is your dog.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chester Village Green Calls to Police, August

All addresses represent hundred blocks, not specific addresses.

A disposition of "No Report" indicates that no written Police Incident Report was made.

Calls for Service to Chester Village Green for August 2010

Hundred Block Address               Incident Type                                        Disposition

08/20/10      04200 CHESTER VILLAGE CR


   ABANDONED    911         
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Algae Grow while Fountain Motor Is Repaired

How it looks now.         (Click on photo to enlarge it.)

Update from Howard Corey, HOA Pres.):
Gary has done some trouble shooting and checked to make sure there is power coming in and going out of the breaker.  In the past when there was an issue with the pump shorting out due to a seal leaking, the breaker would trip when you turned the switch to the on position, this time when you turn the switch on the breaker does not trip, but nothing happens. Gary says we need to pull the fountain in to land and see if we can determine anything.
The fountain & pond in better days.
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Monday, September 13, 2010

Proposed CVG Traffic Fixes

The following is the response from the State to the suggestions 
our HOA made for improved traffic flow leading into the development. The suggestions related to non State roads have been forwarded to the county and the Association for the business properties in the front for their handling.


2430 Pine Forest Drive

Mr. Howard Corey

President, Chester Village Green Homeowner's Association, 11507 Village Garden Drive Chester, VA 23831-1962

August 26, 20 I 0

Dear Mr. Corey,

This letter follows up on your May 18, 2010 correspondence regarding potential signing and pavement marking changes within Chester Viliage Green and Mr. Hawthorne's acknowledgment letter of June 16, 2010. We should note that several private roads or commercial entrances connect to state-maintained rights of way. In those locations it is the responsibility of the underlying property/connection owner to remedy any identified deficiencies. Our VDOT Central Region Operations staff reviewed each of the locations and offer the following comments:

A. Library Signing

Issue: The sign on Centre Street indicating that the Library is to the left is currently on the same post as a "15 mph" advisory sign that includes a right turn sign. There is a small arrow at the bottom of the sign post indicating the Library is to the left, but it is not very visible, and the arrow is on the right side of the sign.

VDOT Response: Chesterfield County personnel installed the library sign and accompanying arrow on the same post as the 15 mph advisory sign. We recommend the County re-install the library sign to a more appropriate location to provide greater positive guidance into the parking lot north of the library.

B. Fountain Square Plaza at Chester Village Drive

Issue: Drivers attempt to travel the wrong way on Fountain Square Way. Pavement markings are faded and illegible.

VDOT Response: We recommend installation of a no left tum sign for northbound Chester Village Drive at Fountain Square Plaza. Eradicate the existing yellow lane line, install a painted island and install a stop sign eastbound.

C. Chester Village Drive and Chester Village Lane

Issue: Drivers attempt to travel the wrong way on Chester Village Lane. Pavement markings are faded and illegible.

VDOT Response: Chester Village Lane does not receive state maintenance. We therefore have no recommendations.

D. Chester Village Lane at Fountain Square Way

Issue: Inadequate pavement markings, confusing signing, drivers attempt to drive the wrong way on Chester Village Lane.

VDOT Response: These roads do not receive state maintenance. However, we recommend removal of all commercial signing within the raised island and installation of no left tum sign under the existing one-way sign. Refresh the existing pavement markings on Chester Village Lane at the island and remove the keep right sign.

E. Centre Street (in front of library) at Fountain Square Way

Issue: Confusing intersection right after a tight curve. Drivers attempt to travel the wrong way on northbound Centre Street infront of the Library.

VDOT Response: Refresh the double yellow lane line northbound on Centre Street.

F. Fountain Square Way

Issue: Drivers who miss the left turn into the Library parking lot attempt to turn left at the end of the raised island and travel the wrong way, northbound on Centre Street.

VDOT Response: We concur with the installation of a no left tum sign.

G. Chester Village Drive

Issue: There is a confusing curve advisory sign on northbound Chester Village Drive, just south of the Chester Village Lane intersection. The sign does not match the intersection layout and is confusing.

VDOT Response: Install a proper curve warning sign (W 1-1). with a 15 mph advisory speed plate. Also install a right-turn-lane-must-turn-right sign to proceed onto Chester Village Lane.

H. Chester Village Drive at Festival Drive

Issue: There isn 'I a STOP sign or a while slap bar on easlbound Feslival Drive al Chesler Village Drive. It isn't clear where drivers are supposed to stop.

VDOT Response: Festival Drive does not receive state maintenance. We recommend installation of a stop sign in a suitable location on the eastbound approach.

I. Chester Village Drive at Celebration Avenue

Issue: There isn't a white STOP bar on easlbound Celebralion Avenue. It isn't clear where drivers are supposed to stop.

VDOT Response: Celebration Avenue does not receive state maintenance. We have no recommendations.

Please note that a eopy of this correspondence is being forwarded to the Central Region Pennits staff for resolution of those items related to the private road/commercial entrance connections. The appropriate VDOT section will implement the signing and marking changes within 30-45 days. You may contact me (524-6119) should you have any questions regarding any of the responses contained within this letter.

Dale R. Tott Central Region Traffic Engineer

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

More Apartments Coming to Chester Village Green

The Board of Supervisors recently approved a rezoning request that would allow up to 65 apartments to be added to Chester Village Green.

Emerson-Roper Companies LLC asked that 5 acres on the north line of Chester Village Drive be rezoned with conditional use to permit apartments
and conditional use planned development to permit exceptions to ordinance requirements.

The development would be an extension of the Chester Village Green Apartments.

(Item, courtesy the Village News.)   

(Click on photo to enlarge it.)

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kiwanis Fall Festival Wed., Sept. 15

The annual Kiwanis Fall Festival will take place on Chester Village Green, Wed., Sept. 15, 2010, 4:00 - 8:00 PM, catered by Kings BBQ + beer, wine, & soft drinks. Adults, $20.

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Alleyway Sealing Report

The following is a notice from oujr Home Owners Asso:

As you can see, the sealing is going slower than the vendor promised. While the vendor has some legit reasons for being behind schedule, hurricane Earl, water in some alley ways and getting cars removed from driveways, we are not pleased that he is this far behind. Florence is working with the vendor to insure that he works on Labor Day and/or that the job is finished no later than Tuesday evening. Therefore, if your alleyway has not been sealed, please continue to park on the street. Please advise any neighbors parking in a driveway where the alleyway has not been sealed of this email.

We appreciate your patience.

Florence and the Board
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

CVG September Newsletter



Unlimited will be turning back your sprinkler soon and start seeding your yards about the 2nd week in September.

They have started to spray for weeds, so if your yards are looking yellow in spots please remember they are spraying for weeds. Unlimited can only spray for weeds when the temperature is below 85 degrees.

Please call (356-7999 ) or email me if you have a problem with your sprinklers or yard, this way there is only one person calling Gary and contacting the office. Less confusion in getting your request completed.

Unlimited has started trimming bushes, please be patient they will get to your area as soon as possible. There is a lot to do for your yards this time of year.


SCAM ALERT: On or about July 31 a man and girl made the rounds of our neighborhood ostensibly trying to sell magazines and/or get donations to benefit "our troops overseas". The girl claimed to be related to someone in the neighborhood. Several people wrote checks or gave cash to them. This has since been discovered to have been a scam; this has also been reported that something similar has happened
recently in Arbor Landing:- It is suggested that you do not deal with door to door solicitors,
unless you know the person or they have proper identification that you feel
comfortable with. Personally, I would like to discourage ALL door to door solicitations.

If you feel you have been a victim of this scam please report information to the Chesterfield Co. police.

CONTACT; OFFICER CONNER; PHONE #748-1269; CASE - #201008062018
The above was prepared by Florence Harrison, Manager.
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home Owners: Note the Following About Lawns, Weeds, Bushes, Sprinklers, and Alley Sealing

Howard Corey, Presiddent of our HOA sends the following message:

Gary and the Unlimited crew will be trimming bushes this week. Gary has been working with the crew to ensure that the trimming is performed in a correct and professional manner.

Starting Aug. 30, we will turn the sprinklers off and trim the alleyways so that the Paving Company can seal them this Friday and Saturday. If  hurricane Earl co-operates and we are able to seal. All residents are asked to park on in your garages or the street Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

We would really appreciate each of you providing this info to your neighbor on each side.

Because we have had a number of complaints concerning the lawns, Florence (356-7999) and I (454-0602) will will be taking a more active approach until the problems with the sprinklers, weeds and bushes are care for. If you are having any lawn problems or request, please advise either of us.

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