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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home Owners: Note the Following About Lawns, Weeds, Bushes, Sprinklers, and Alley Sealing

Howard Corey, Presiddent of our HOA sends the following message:

Gary and the Unlimited crew will be trimming bushes this week. Gary has been working with the crew to ensure that the trimming is performed in a correct and professional manner.

Starting Aug. 30, we will turn the sprinklers off and trim the alleyways so that the Paving Company can seal them this Friday and Saturday. If  hurricane Earl co-operates and we are able to seal. All residents are asked to park on in your garages or the street Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

We would really appreciate each of you providing this info to your neighbor on each side.

Because we have had a number of complaints concerning the lawns, Florence (356-7999) and I (454-0602) will will be taking a more active approach until the problems with the sprinklers, weeds and bushes are care for. If you are having any lawn problems or request, please advise either of us.

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