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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Report on Annual Meeting and Elections

The Chester Village Green Homeowners Asso. held its official annual meeting at 7:00 PM, Wed., Oct. 20, 2010, at the Chester Library. It was well-attended and the presence of a quorum was certified.

The slate of candidates for two-year terms on the Board of Directors was voted in unanimously. Candidates serve staggared two year terms. Board Members for 2010 - 2011 are: Howard Corey, President, 454-0602; Robert Tierney, Vice Pres., 768-0457; Brian Pierce, Vice President; Andrew McCauley, Treasurer; 768-0035; Arlene Ripp, Secretary, 796-5739. 

Other business:
1) The minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and approved.
2) Manager's Report: Mgr. (Florence Harrison) will mail out a Landscaping Survey to all homeowners as a way of evaluating Unlimited Landscaping and providing background information for renegotiating the contract.
--Unlimited has completed the required backflow testing for each home.
--The fountain and the pond have become very expensive to maintain. Our HOA does not own the pond. Neither the owner of the pond nor the apartments overlooking the pond contribute to the maintenance. The Board will try to negotiate shared costs with the owner and the apartments before spending more on this.
--Mailbox repair and upkeep has been delayed until Spring.
3) Treasurer's Report: We are within budget and are continuing to build up our reserves as required by law. There will be no need to increase the monthly homeowners' fee. The proposed 2010 - 2011 budget was approved as submitted. Outgoing Treasurer (our first treasurer) Jack Mayer was thanked and praised for the great job he has done setting up and overseeing. our finances.

                               (Click on Budget to enlarge it.)

4) Holiday Decorations will be taken over by the "Bunko Ladies", in response to the appeal for volunteers.
5) Street Trees: Mitchell Patterson's investigation of the 216 American Sycamores which line our streets resulted in producing the following information:
--they are not appropriate along streets and sidewalks and are not approved by Chesterfield County (they grow to be too big; their roots tear up sidewalks and curbs)
--we should replace some every year to spread out the cost of removing the Sycamores and planting the replacements
--experts say that appropriate replacements are Eastern Red Bud, Linden, and Zelkova. The only appropriate tree for the Easy Living area is Crepe Myrtle.
6) The collapsed building is increasingly becoming a severe irritant to our membership. Not only is the dilapidated abandoned building itself in shambles, but all of the grounds around it are filled with trash, knocked over fences, etc., giving the appearance of a blighted area. Is this property out of environmental compliance? Members unhappy with this situation are encouraged to contact our District Supervisor, Dorothy Jaeckle, (804) 748-1211, E-Mail: jaeckled
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