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Friday, October 3, 2008


On Oct. 3, The Richmond Times Dispatch published the following information:

A grand jury has determined no one was criminally negligent in the fatal collapse of a building in Chester [Village Green, on Fountain Square Plaza] last month, but a county-hired engineer has found the contractor to blame for faulty bracing.

The two-story building at 4301 Fountain Square Plaza collapsed on Sept. 10 after drywall was loaded onto a floor supported by an unbraced steel stud designed to bear less than half the weight placed on it, according to an engineering analysis released yesterday by Chesterfield County.

The grand jury concluded yesterday that there was no evidence of either criminal conduct or "culpable and gross negligence of any party or government entity regarding this incident."

According to W. Carter Sinclair Jr., an engineer based in Virginia Beach who was hired to analyze the collapse, the county is responsible for inspecting and approving permanent, but not temporary, bracing during construction. "This is a gray area . . . however it is still the ultimate responsibility of the contractor."

Courtesy of The Village News, you can read the entire engineer's report by clicking on:

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