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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Report on April Board Meeting

  The Home Owners' Association Board of Directors met on April 7, 2010, 7:00 PM, in the Arts Center office. In addition to the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and the Treasurer's report,The following topics were discussed: 
1) Snow Removal --We had a great deal more snow than usual this winter. Unlimmited Landscaping did a fine job of removing snow promptly from our sidewalks and driveways, and even our roads. Under our current contract, our Association had to pay for all of this removal. History: after several years of paying Unlimited a flat annual price for snow removal without having much snow, it was decided to paying per event --which was not to our financial advantage this year, but is in most years.

2) Dogs --Dog owners failing to clean up after their dogs and allowing dogs to run without a leash continues to be a problem. The erection of more signs and of dog waste receptacles was discussed. Fines continue to be assessed.

3) Extension of the white fence behind the last few home on Village Garden Court --This issue was discussed at some length. Trespassing by children and a few adults seeking shortcuts con tinues to be a problem. Unfortunately, the Association does not own property on which to build a fence in those locations. The topography also makes fencing difficult. However, owners can apply to the Association for permission to build fences on their own property.

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