1) Completion of the security fence (between the three homes on Village Garden Dr. and the apartments): The contract has been let (see our Report on the Dec. 4 meeting). Additional work is required (clearing away brush and laying down sod on our side of the fence --this will be paid for by the three affected CVG home owners).
2) The Geese Problem-- Mitchell Patterson will gave an update on the Geese problem:
The Waterfowl Specialist recommends:
1. Stop all feeding. Strategically place no feeding signs. Enact and enforce a no feeding ordinance.
2. Landscape modification--Restrict a goose's ability to move between water and land will deter geese from an area. (Examples: Install physical barriers along the water's edge; thick shrubs, mulch, grass, fencing or high tensil wire.)
3. Hazing with noise makers, visual frightening devices, sprinklers, and or/chasing geese w/dogs.
4. Repellents - lawn spray
5. Reduce or eliminate goose reproduction - treat nests and eggs
RE-CERTIFYING THE IRRIGATION BACK FLOW PREVENTERS AT EVERY HOME, EVERY YEAR. Our HOA has obtained a price from Unlimited Landscaping on performing this test on all our homes. This is a discounted price for a package deal to do all of our homes together at the same time. Details on how the billing will work are yet to be worked out.
Next HOA Board meeting: Wed., May 6, 7:00 PM, at the Arts Center Office
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