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Friday, September 4, 2009


The Home Owners Association Board met for its regular monthly meeting at 7:00 PM, Wed., Sept 2, in the Village Hall (Arts Center Office). Present were: Howard Corey, President, Jack Mayer, Secretary-Treasurer, Robert Tierney, Vice Pres., Association Manager: Florence Harrison, and 12 residents.

1) A FinanciaL Report was handed out to all present. Owners may obtain a copy from the Associaion Manager (see left sidebar). The HOA financial health is good. No increase in owners' monthly dues is expected.

2) Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Carol Ray (see left sidebar) reported that the report published in the Village News about six weeks ago about an assault on Chester Village Drive resulted from a mistake in the way it was reported to police. There was no assault in Chester Village Green.

When our Neighborhood Watch organization registered with the police three years ago, the registration was not properly recorded, and the process must now be repeated. Home owners will be asked to sign the required petition.

3) Architectural Review Committee: Currently, all matters are being resolved satisfactorily by email.

4) Landscaping Committee:

---The artillary spores (small black dots) that appear on the siding and window frames of some homes may be coming from untreated mulch. More on this later.

---If geese return to our pond this Fall or Winter, measures will be taken to discourage them, including the possibility of loud booming noises.

---Alleys will be treated in October and curbs will be added in some places to properly divert water run-off.

5) At the official Annual Meeting, Wed., Oct. 7, 7:00 PM, at the Library, changes in the By-Laws will be voted upon. 67% of the home owners must be present or sign proxies in advance. A letter about the meeting, the proposed By-Law changes, and the proxies will be delivered to each home's newpaper box soon. If you are going to be out of town or cannot attend this very important meeting, please use the proxy as an absentee ballot.
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