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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brazen Geese Ignore Sign

Our brazen geese graze right in front of the sign which says, "This area for use of homeowners only."  Could we get the police to arrest them for tresspassing?

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Saturday, December 26, 2009


Dec. 19:

Dec. 26, same scene:

What a diffedrence one week makes!

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Saturday, December 19, 2009


The crews are out but, this is a heavy snow and will take longer than expected to clear. If you go out, Please be careful.

Yesterday, the President of our HOA  requested the snow removal crews to begin clearing Saturday morning by 10 AM making sure that all entrances to  garages , sidewalks that lead to a garages, and alleyways that lead to the main streets be cleaned or at least passable. Once the snow stops, in the order mention above all alleyways, driveways, sidewalks and streets should be cleared.

Chemicals or salt should only be used on surfaces where dangerous ice will form. if a homeowner does not want chemicals or salt used on their property, their wishes should be honored.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Report on Dec. Board Meeting

Our homeowners' association Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on Dec. 4, at the Arts Center office. Board members present: Howard Corey (Pres.), Jack Mayer (Treasurer), Arlene Ripp (Secretary), & Andrew MCauley, and Florence Harrison (Asso. Mgr,). Absent: Robert Tierney (Vice Pres.). About 15 home owners were also present.

1) The minutes of the Nov. meeting were read and approved.

2) The Treasurer reported a positive bank balance and made the printed report available to those present.

3) Florence Harrison reported that the sprinkler systems have been winterized. Also, the type of mulch to be applied in the Spring will be reviewed in January (to avoid the problem with the artillery mites.

4) Carol Ray (our Neighborhood Watch Coordinator) reported that the Police Dept. has recognized us a fully operating program. They have also provided us with a web site to check on crime reports in our neighborhood. Click on:  (The County Police Neighborhood Watch Newsletter)

After arriving at that site, scroll down to the end click on "View calls for service within neighborhoods having a Neighborhood Watch Program", then go through the alphabetical list of neighborhoods until you reach Chester Village Green.

5) Landscaping: This committee will meet with state/county officials to develop a plan for the trees along our roads before they begin to uproot our sidewalks.

6) Because of the frequent rain, the alleyways will be resealed in the Spring.

7) Our legal consultant is now reviewing issues regarding resident non-compliance of our by-laws and covenants,

8) Proposed electronic sign: 2,500 - 3,000 vehicles turn into CVG from Rt. 10, most of which go to Walgreen's and the library. Most never see the businesses in Festival Park. All agreed that they want to support efforts to build business for the businesses in CVG, including Festival Park. One problem is that Festival Park sees itself as separate from Chester Village Green (CVG). A common name and common marketing approach seems to be necessary. All agreed that they do not object to a sign on Rt. 10 to draw people into otherwise unknown businesses, and they all agreed that such a sign should not be electronic. An alternative non-electronic, flood-lighted sign was presented, see below:    (Click on the image below to make it larger.)

To see the design and the dimensions of the proposed electronic sign, scroll down to:
Thursday, October 22, 2009 Report on Electronic Sign Meeting

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Monday, November 30, 2009

C C A Survey on Electronic Advertising Sign Proposed for Route 10 & Chester Village Drive

Chester Community Association’s
Survey on Electronic Advertising Sign Proposal for Route 10 & Chester Village Dr.:

The Association polled the membership of the Chester Community Association and received 36 responses.
--78% or 28 responses were aware of the proposal to install a 60 square foot electronic advertising sign on Route 10 between the Chester Gazebo and the railroad bridge.
--89% or 32 responses disapproved or strongly disapproved of the proposal. 61% or 22 responses strongly disapproved.
--83% or 30 responses approved or strongly approved of the current Village prohibition on electronic advertising signs.

The following responses indicate that if the sign proposal were approved, the following restrictions were viewed favorably by the respondents to improve safety:

Reduce driver overload by restricting the amount of information
on sign at any time based upon engineering principles: 83.9%, #26

Decrease the size of the sign from 60 square feet to under 32
square feet: 80.6%, #25

Restrict the use of telephone numbers, internet addresses, text
message instructions, etc.: 77.4%, #24

Visual clutter with traffic signals operations minimized: 71.0%, #22

Restrict visual effects of any kind to accompany the transition
between any two successive messages: 67.7%, #21

Place a default “off” setting if the sign fails until repairs are made: 67.7%, #21

Equip sign with sensors that measure daylight and dimmers that
can control the sign brightness to predetermined levels,
particularly for nighttime and fog conditions: 64.5%. #20

Restrict message sequencing: 61.3%, #19

Increase message display duration greater than 10 seconds: 51.6%, #16
(5 Respondents skipped this question.)

To take the survey yourself, click on the following link:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Our CVG Neighborhood Watch Reconfirmed

Our Neighborhood Watch has been officially reconfirmed as a Chesterfield County "Neighborhood Watch" group. For the Coordinator and the list of Block Captains, scroll down the left hand panel.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Open Meeting on Proposed Electronic Sign

A special meeting about the proposed very large electronic sign at the Rt. 10 entrance to Chester Village Dr. has been scheduled for Wed., Dec. 2, 7:00 PM, at the library --open to all.

(To the left is a random example.)

In the meantime, if you have not yet voted to express your opinion, please vote now in our poll in the left side panel.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

SRO at HOA Traffic Meeting Nov. 4

An overflow, standing room only crowd of homeowners showed up for a meeting with County Planning Dept. officials (Kirk Turner, Director; Greg Allen, Planning Administrator; and Jeff Lamson, Sr. Planner).

The officials' slide show and charts helped indentify our traffic flow and volume problems. There was a high level of participation and agreement on the part of those present.

At the end of the meeting, the issue of the proposed electronic sign at the Rt. 10 entrance to Chester Village Dr. was briefly discussed. A special meeting about the sign has been scheduled for Wed., Dec. 2, 7:00 PM, at the library --open to all. In the meantime, if you have not yet voted to express your opinion, please vote now in our poll in the left side panel.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009


At its meeting on Nov. 4, the five-member board decided to hold a special meeting on Wed., Dec. 2, 7:00 PM, on whether or not to take a position on the electronic sign being proposed for Rt. 10 near Chester Village Dr., when it comes up before the county Board of Supervisors, --and, if so, what that position should be.

The Board asks that home owners vote their opinion in the column to the left, as guidance for the Board before its meeting. Only one vote per home owner will be accepted. Please answer BOTH questions (select ONE answer for #1, #2, OR #3, and ONE answer for #A OR #B). The voting was closed briefly on Nov. 3, but has been re-opened until Dec. 2.
(Sorry about the misspelling of "approval" in the headline, but no editing/correcting is possible after voting has begun.)

For more information about the proposal, read the story below, headed,

"Report on Electronic Sign Meeting".

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Report on Electronic Sign Meeting

Emerson Builders' petition for permission to erect a large electronic sign on Rt. 10, at the entrance to Chester Village Green (CVG), was presented to CVG home owners at a meeting on Oct.21.

The petition will be submitted to the county Board of Supervisors in late winter - early spring. Before that, a community meeting will be held.

The sign will be erected at the edge of the animal hospital property on the West-bound side of the Rt. 10 railroad bridge just before the Chester Village Drive entrance. (At the left is a photo of the design --click on the design to make it larger.) Note the dimensions of the sign.

At our meeting, Carrie Coyner spoke for Emerson Builders:
-- The sign will have multi-colored lights, but no movement and no sound.
-- The brightness of the sign will automatically dim as daylight fades at sunset.
-- In addition to advertising CVG businesses, the sign will be used to announce community, library, and Arts Center events, as will as County emergency announcements (e.g., Amber Alerts).
-- As yet undetermined: how frequently the ads will change (# of seconds).

Reason for the request: There is space for 75 - 100 businesses in CVG. Many of the spaces are not yet filled. None of the spaces are visible from Rt. 10, our main thoroughfare. The sign is needed to draw in customers. Until that happens, development is stalled. CVG was conceived as a village where residents could walk to stores and services and work. A greater variety and number of businesses is needed to make that a reality.

Concerns expressed by those attending the meeting:
--There is a need for an over-all marketing plan; the sign is not enough by itself.
--The ruins of the collapsed building give CVG the appearance of a run-down, abandoned, deteriorating community.

Read more --click on the following link:

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MEETING TONIGHT on Proposed Electronic Sign at. Rt. 10 Entrance to CVG (or on Library Property??)

At left is an example of the type of electronic sign that is proposed for the entrance to Chester Village Green (CVG) at Rt. 10. This proposal will come before the Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.

At this time it is not clear if the above is the same or different from the following:
"Board Action Requested:
The Board is requested to authorize Ms. Carrie Coyner to apply for a
Conditional Use Planned Development on County property located at 11800
Centre Street and commonly known as the Chester Library (Tax ID 788-655-6767)
and to waive the disclosure requirements.
Summary of Information:
An application for a Conditional Use Planned Development is pending submittal
to permit a computer controlled variable message electronic sign identifying
the Festival Park development
generally located in the vicinity of West
Hundred Road and Chester Village Drive. Mrs. Jaeckle has requested that the Board authorize Ms. Carrie Coyner to include the Chester Library property in this application for the purpose of permitting identification of the library
facility on this proposed sign as part of the overall project." (Bold lettering and color have been added by the CVG News for emphasis.)

The sign would electronically change every ? seconds to advertise a different business. It would be in various changing bright colors.

There will be an open meeting with the petitioners to discuss this question on Wed., October 21, 7:00 PM in the Arts Center office. Come and make your voice heard.

Notice the dimensions of the sign:
--Height, 21 ft., 4.5 inches
--Width, 12 ft.
--Thickness, 2 ft.

(You can make the photo larger by clicking on it.)Posted by Picasa

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kiwanis Hard Times Fall Festival

The festival was held on The Green, 4 - 9 PM, 10-14-09. The photos above were taken at 5:15 PM. It was cold, cloudy, damp.

(Click on a photo to make it larger.)
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Thursday, October 8, 2009



The Home Owners Association official Annual Meeting was held Oct. 7, 7:00 PM, in the Chester Library. Ninety-eight owners were present, either in person or by proxy, which is 78.4% of all owners, well over the minimum required for a quorum.

(Click on the photo to make it larger.)
1) Jack Mayer, Secretary-Treasurer, read the minutes of the last Annual Meeting, which were then approved.

2) Mr. Mayer then presented the financial report and the budget for 2009 - 2010.

3) Neighborhood Watch: A new petition was circulated for signatures to request Police Dept. recognition of our Neighborhood Watch organization. The police asked for this to be done, since our original petition has been misfiled and cannot be found.

4) Architectural Review Committee: The Chairman, John McGrann, 454-0874, reported that most requests are reviewed and answered promptly, usually by email. He asked that anybody trying to find the pertinent By-Laws, call him for the references, and also that owners considering changes on their property contact him in advance. Ronnie Jones and Amy Pike Smith are also on the Committee.

5) Verizon FIOS: The President reported on the difficulties in getting Verizon and its subcontractors to restore all lawns to their original state (after their installation of the underground lines). He is continuing to monitor the situation. Verizon has requested a meeting with residents to present FIOS at a date yet to be determined.

6) Emerson Builders is asking the county for permission to erect an electronic sign on Rt. 10 at the entrance to CVG. They will make a presentation to home owners at an open meeting on Wed., Oct. 21, 7:00 PM, in the Arts Center office.

7) Traffic flow issues in both the business and the residential areas of CVG will be presented and discussed at an open meeting. Check this site for the time and place.

8) All the proposed changes to the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws were approved, by a vote of 90 - 8. As a result, our Board of Directors will now have five members, each elected for two years (in future elections), in staggered terms. The quorum required to hold Annual Meetings will now be 35%.

9) ELECTED TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Howard Corey (1 year), Jack Mayer (1 year), Andrew McCauley (2 years), Arlene Ripp (2 years), and Bob Tierney (1 year). The Board will elect its own officers at its next meeting, Nov. 4.
For a short video of the beginning of the meeting, see above.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Photo #1: New "For Sale" sign posted., Sept. '09.
Photo #2: The debris of the collapse was cleared away, 9-30-08.

Photo #3: The almost-completed Fountain Square buildings when they collapsed, 9-10-08.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009


"Weather permitting, the Verizon subcontractors and the landscapers will finish working on the lawns this weekend. The landscapers will then run each irrigation system everyday for about ten minutes for two weeks. At the end of this period we will evaluate the lawns and see what actions need to be taken.

If there are any problems give us a call." ---Howard Corey, HOA President (To contact him, see left side panel.)



(Click on any photo to make it larger.)

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


NOTE: Last day to register is Monday, Oct. 5
Click on Notice to make it larger.
Candidates in Nov. 3 Election:
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 General Elections Candidates
Party Designators
R = Republican
D = Democrat
I = Independent

Office Title : Governor

R: Robert F. ''Bob'' McDonnell

2819 N. Parham Road, Suite 210 Richmond VA 23294


D: R. Creigh Deeds

PO Box 5462 Charlottesville VA 22905


Office Title : Lieutenant Governor

R: William T. ''Bill'' Bolling

PO Box 8205 Richmond VA 23226


D: Jody M. Wagner

PO Box 1508 Virginia Beach VA 23451


Office Title : Attorney General
R: Ken T. Cuccinelli II

10560 Main Street, Suite 218 Fairfax VA 22030


D: Stephen C. Shannon

PO Box 1143 Vienna VA 22183


Office Title : Member House of Delegates

Office Title : Member House of Delegates

R: M. Kirkland ''Kirk'' Cox

131 Old Brickhouse Lane Colonial Heights VA 23834


Friday, September 18, 2009


You will find the polls at the top of the left side panel. NOTE: these are simply opinion polls, and NOT votes. The voting will be done at the Annual Meeting on Wed., Oct. 7, 7:00 PM, at the Chester Library.

Your attendance at this meeting (either in person or by proxy) is extremely important! You may instruct your proxy on how you want your votes cast.


Chesterfield County's process for developing a new comprehensive plan for the county for the future is well underway. The next series of public hearings and workshops is about to start. Please participate, and make your voice heard! All the information you need can be found by clicking on the following link:

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Verizon FIOS construction in CVG, 9-9 and 12-09

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Friday, September 4, 2009


The Home Owners Association Board met for its regular monthly meeting at 7:00 PM, Wed., Sept 2, in the Village Hall (Arts Center Office). Present were: Howard Corey, President, Jack Mayer, Secretary-Treasurer, Robert Tierney, Vice Pres., Association Manager: Florence Harrison, and 12 residents.

1) A FinanciaL Report was handed out to all present. Owners may obtain a copy from the Associaion Manager (see left sidebar). The HOA financial health is good. No increase in owners' monthly dues is expected.

2) Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Carol Ray (see left sidebar) reported that the report published in the Village News about six weeks ago about an assault on Chester Village Drive resulted from a mistake in the way it was reported to police. There was no assault in Chester Village Green.

When our Neighborhood Watch organization registered with the police three years ago, the registration was not properly recorded, and the process must now be repeated. Home owners will be asked to sign the required petition.

3) Architectural Review Committee: Currently, all matters are being resolved satisfactorily by email.

4) Landscaping Committee:

---The artillary spores (small black dots) that appear on the siding and window frames of some homes may be coming from untreated mulch. More on this later.

---If geese return to our pond this Fall or Winter, measures will be taken to discourage them, including the possibility of loud booming noises.

---Alleys will be treated in October and curbs will be added in some places to properly divert water run-off.

5) At the official Annual Meeting, Wed., Oct. 7, 7:00 PM, at the Library, changes in the By-Laws will be voted upon. 67% of the home owners must be present or sign proxies in advance. A letter about the meeting, the proposed By-Law changes, and the proxies will be delivered to each home's newpaper box soon. If you are going to be out of town or cannot attend this very important meeting, please use the proxy as an absentee ballot.
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Saturday, August 29, 2009


On Sept. 2, as every 1st Wednesday, the HOA Board will meet, 7:00 pm, at the Arts Center office on the Green, open to all home owners.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009


The Chesterfield County Fair runs Friday, August 28 through Saturday, September 5. Hours are 4-11 p.m. Monday through Friday; 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Saturday; and 1-11 p.m. Sunday. The Chesterfield County Fairgrounds are located at 10300 Courthouse Rd. Tickets are $7 for adults, $4 for seniors 60 and older, $3 for ages 6-12, and free for children under five years old.

Wristbands, which offer their wearers the chance to visit unlimited rides, are $20 per person.Those who wish to join the fair can become members for $6 and receive two free tickets to the following year’s fair.

Musical entertainment will kick off at the fair with local Christian rock band Crimson Flow; Keith Henderson’s “Illusions of the King” Elvis show, which Rusbasan says “is always a big draw,” will take place on Saturday. Doo wop group Bak N Da Day, another old favorite, is scheduled to perform on Monday night; Patron Band will perform on Wednesday, with Southland Band on Thursday and Legends, a group of oldies singers, will perform Friday.

Those who want to participate in singing can also take place in David Allen’s Karaoke: open event for all ages.

Jan Rusbasan, Chesterfield County Fair secretary, says “There will also be a Festival Latino all day Sunday, which is new and exciting.” The festival will include music and food vendors celebrating Hispanic culture

All the old standards will be back: the antique tractor and farm equipment display, barrel train rides with the Chesterfield Tractor Club, bingo with the Bensley-Bermuda Rescue Squad, a children’s tent, Dimples and Honey Bee the clowns, Lambeth’s Petting Zoo, a midway from Jolly Shows, the mechanical bull, the model train display, pony rides, and roller pigeons. “The roller pigeons will be back along with homing pigeons, and they’ll be putting on demonstrations throughout the weekend,” says Rusbasan. “They’re bred that way – they just roll through the air. It’s pretty wild!” The arts and crafts displays will be as full of talent as ever, with categories covering home-grown crops, baked goods, sewing and embroidery, visual arts, flowers, and more.

For more information, visit the fair website at 751-0421

© Copyright by Village [News] Publishing

Thursday, August 20, 2009


You’ve heard all the talk about the [County's] new comprehensive plan. “How will it really affect me, and do I really have any say as to how it will turn out?”

Have your questions answered while giving county planners your input on the plan during a combined meeting of the Chester Community Association (CCA) and the Bermuda Advocates for Responsible Development (BARD) on [Thursday] August 27 in the offices of the Chesterfield Center for the Arts Foundation, just opposite the Chester Library on Centre St. in the Village Green.

During the meeting, which begins at 7 p.m., county planners will record area residents’ expectations and concerns for the new comprehensive plan. As reported, the plan will be a countywide plan, and currently it is unclear how much of current area plans will be included. The CCA has asked that residents weigh in during this special meeting to let planners know what they want for the Chester area. 751-0421
© Copyright by Village [News] Publishing

Thursday, August 6, 2009


The Chester Village Green Board of Directors met Aug. 5. The meeting was open to all home owners. Items discussed at the meeting:
1) OK'd minor repairs to driveways.
2) OK'd the formation of a committee to develop a policy regarding the trees along our sidewalks and streets. Some of them are now out-growing their assigned spaces and endangering the sidewalks.
3) The pond has been treated for algae, which should take care of that problem for the rest of this summer. The Board will investigate other possible avenues of treatment which might be used in the future. It will also investigate the possibility of stocking the west side of the bridge with vegetation-eating fish to get rid of the growth in that area.
4) The Board and all present expressed gratitude to Vice President Robert Tierney for the publication and distribution of our new Directory. Please notify Bob (768-0457) or Florence Harrison (356-7999) about any errors or changes you would like in your entry for the next edition.
Next Board meeting: Wed., Sept. 1, 7:00 PM, in the Arts Center office. At that meeting, the Board hopes to present nominations for the elections to take place at the Annual Meeting October 6, at the Library, as well as the proposed changes to the By-Laws which will be up for approval by the membership at that Annual Meeting.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


On Mon., Aug. 3, in Howlett's new restaurant, the architects presented the design for the Chesterfield Center for the Arts, which is to be built adjoining the Chester Library.

In 2004 Chesterfield County citizens approved a bond referendum specifying $5.9M for the Art Center, now $6.9M. The community was challenged to match the County’s money with private donations raised to meet a target construction date of 2010.
(Click on a photo to make it larger.)
More photos can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

When viewing this web album:
1) Click on "Slide Show", then press F11 on your keyboard to make the slide show full screen; OR
2) Click on the 1st small photo to make it larger, and then click on "Full Screen", then press F11 on your keyboard.

When you are finished viewing, press F11 once more to return your screen to normal.

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